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Some new books arrived this week.

Some new books arrived this past week for my reading pleasure.  I thought I would share my new finds with you all.  
The first is Mussolini's Navy.  An excellent book on the Italian Navy during WWII.  I've always had a fascination with this navy.  This book gives an excellent overview of the navy and the ships and men who were a part of it. 

There are wonderful pictures of each class of ship.

Along with color photos.

And a wonderful guide to camouflage used by the navy.

My next little gem is on the Roman Army as you can see from the picture below it's about the complete Roman Army. This books cover every facet of the army from it's very beginning to the end.  Lots of photos and great diagrams.

The last book I picked up is Don Troiani's Soldiers of the American Revolution.  A great book of Don Troiani's paintings.  It's also a great reference also for my AWI project that I'm working on at the moment. 

This is one of the great illustrations in the book along with wonderful photos of equipment used by the people of the period.

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