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Nicole Diary

Rainbow Water Decals 

Hey all, here we are, another day of the same routine, and good job I love water decals, as I have another set of rainbow ones from Nicole Diary. The third sheet from the collection of 4, these Decals are sea shell and nautical themed.
Sadly time was against me, and I only managed to do 2 different looks. The rainbow gradient shells are just so pretty. Like the previous ones I've tried, application was super easy and the final finish is very smooth.

For my second look, I have a blue and white nautical mani. Cutting these decals into smaller pieces for each nail, again the same easy smooth application and a striking look with a matte finish.

I have one more set of decals to try, and will do my best to use all 3 designs! You can find Nicole Diary on Amazon.comAliexpress,
Facebook and Instagram.
Stay safe and much love.....

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