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Dress To Kilt

Remember that Sex and the City when Charlotte wore a dress made of Trey’s family tartan to some big event for Scots in New York?

Well, one of the real-life versions of that is Dress to Kilt, an annual party thrown by Sean Connery. It benefits his charity Friends of Scotland, which supports military veterans on both sides of the Atlantic.

Each year, the charity stages a runway show featuring kilts created by Scottish designers, tartan manufacturers and even college students. Of course, plenty of Mr. Connery’s famous friends walk the runway. Booked guests this year include Gerard Butler, Alan Cumming and Mike Myers.

Sure, the fashion’s not too serious, the theme is “Mad for Scotland”, but if you live in New York and consider yourself a plaid-addict, it should make for an entertaining evening. Tickets start at $99.

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